I haven't really written a blog here in a while... I haven't much of anything here in a while. I haven't done a lot of creative writing either so I guess I'll randomly jot the works of a storyline down... Here goes...


"The heck's a castle doing in the middle of nowhere?" I muttered. Lightning flashed, illuminating the worn stone building in the distance. Along with the lightning came rain, which steadily grew harder until it was near deafening.

"Dunno. Do you wanna check it out and crash there for the night?" my boyfriend, Jeff replied. Before I could decline he continued, "I can't get the hood to go up, it seems to be jammed. And we're miles from any sort of civilization." To prove his point, he tugged at the old convertable's hood.

"You just want to explore the castle." I tried to tug the roof up as well, to no avail. I was already soaked, and the car floor was already filled an inch with water. I fell back into my seat, wet and irritated.

Jeff just grinned, despite the current situation. "Aw, come on, Hannah. It isn't everyday that we get to explore a real castle. And I know how much you hate getting wet. We can stay there for the night, dry up, and in the morning start home. Plus, I have some snacks in the trunk." He glanced at me pleadingly, though I pretended not to see. He drove a pretty good argument. I absolutely hated getting wet. My dreaded daily shower was horrible enough.

"Fine. But keep your adventures to a minimum... And don't get me involved with your antics," I conceded.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air."We'll have a right grand time. A little adventure all our own."

I rolled my eyes. I could never understand his craving for adventure, or why he continuously sought it. Every so called 'adventure' he'd had had ended in some sort of disaster- usually broken leg or even a broken car. The current one we were in was his 3rd... this year alone.

Of course, it was a dark and stormy night. We were headed toward a seemingly abandoned castle. Pretty suspiscious. I didn't think so then, but the disaster about to unravel would end in much more than a broken leg.

Topics: vampires, cult, occult
this sound really interesting.
  • August 31, 2011
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Quote:Originally posted by: Samantha_Forbiddenthis sound really interesting. Thanks! Glad you've read it so far. ^_^
  • August 31, 2011
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