Here's part 3...


"I think we should leave," I announced anxiously. "The person or people here might not be friendly..."

"Why would you think that?" my boyfriend asked, reluctant to leave despite the mysterious person or persons in the building.

"Well... for one thing they're in this abandoned castle! It would make a perfect hiding place for criminals!" My paranoia was getting to me.

Jeff was skeptical. "But you forget; we're here. And we're not criminals. Whoever's here might be sheltering the storm as well..." he grinned, "... or adventuring! Come on, we'll never know who these mysterious people are if we don't explore."

I hugged my knees to my chest, uncertain. "I'm not sure about this. Why can't we just stay where we are and wait out the storm? And why are you so certain there's more than one?"

Jeff stood. "Well, the torches are lit, so it's likely there was more than one party arriving here, the torches being lit to show the way to where the main activity is being held for the people arriving later." He paused, trying to form his thoughts into words. "So you may be right about the convicts thing. This may be a hideout- but that shouldn't stop us from checking the place out!"

"Oh yes it should!" I exclaimed, then lowered my voice in case the supposed criminals were within earshot. "I don't want to explore! We should just return to the car and go home- I don't care about getting wet if our lives are on the line!"

"Hannah, really. We won't know for sure unless we check. And if they are fugitives, we can report their hideout to the police and make this world a better place." Ugh. He knew I had a thing for world peace, and capturing criminals would bring us one step closer to accomplishing that.

"I hate it when you use that on me, Jeff." Then, before I could change my mind, "Let's get going." And we set to redressing ourselves in damp clothing.

I really should start thinking before making decisions. Even if they might make the world a better place.

Topics: cult, occult, vampires, story
Quote:Originally posted by: mangacatgirlwow this is great YOU MUST WRITE MORE lol ^w^ Glad you think so. Haha, I'll try to write more later. x3
  • September 5, 2011
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